Royal Penguin (Eudyptes schlegeli)

Royal penguins are often mixed up with macaroni penguins because of their similarities. They can grow up to be 27.5 ft high and weigh 8.8 to 12 pounds. Unlike other penguins, royal penguin’s whole front side is white and they have an orange beak with a yellow, orange, and black crest. At the end of their breeding season, around the middle of March, they molt. Royal penguins can swim as fast as 20 miles per hour. Naturalists are worried because royal penguins are vulnerable to extinction.
     Royal penguins live in the waters near Antarctica, during the breeding season they come ashore to Macquarie Islands.

    Royal Penguins diet consists of fish, krill, and squid like other penguins. They dive 50 to 150 ft for 2 minutes to find food.